
Welcome to Alta’s World

“So therefore I dedicate myself, to my art, my sleep, my dreams, my labors, my suffrances, my loneliness, my unique madness, my endless absorption and hunger because I cannot dedicate myself to any fellow being.”

(Jack Kerouac)

New on blog

20 de ani de Khaled Hosseini. De la medicină de familie la bestseller New York Times

“Am devorat The Kite Runner. Am plâns la scenele dureroase. Am plâns și mai mult pe măsură ce romanul avansa.”

Orașul în care două comunități sunt încă despărțite prin ziduri înalte. Irlanda de Nord, scurtă incursiune

“Aveam să mă întreb mai târziu cum naiba de-am trăit fără să știu cât de violentă a fost istoria recentă a Irlandei de Nord?”

O lună de la Oppenheimer. 5 cărți pe care să le citești dacă ți-a plăcut filmul lui Nolan

“Mi-e mult mai ușor să citesc ficțiune istorică și, fără să caut, am ajuns să citesc câteva cărți care ating tema filmului”

Figments of imagination

“I’ve always loved words. Words gave me clarity. Words made me feel like I truly existed. Words helped me process whatever I was going through. But words were something I took for granted. It came a time when I lost my words. I could no longer find the right ones to encompass my entire universe. And that almost destroyed me. This is an attempt at reclaiming my words.”


“Whenever I find myself in another land, a new self is emerging. And so I become a different version of myself. A better version. A freer one. Another.”


I started reading when I was 5, thanks to my big brother. He taught me how to make sense of the letters. He was the one to have given me my first books. Whenever I feel lost, whenever I am hurt, whenever I am happy, whenever… there’s always a book to keep me company. It is as natural for me to think about books as it is to breathe. This is my love letter.


I love going to the movies. I was a teenager the first time I set foot on a cinema. There’s something magic about watching a film on the big screen. Especially if it’s one of my favorite directors: Wes Anderson, Xavier Dolan or Damien Chazelle. I love musicals. I love non-Hollywood movies. Small, independent cinemas make me feel like home.”

A few things I care about

News from Planet Earth

“I used to be a newswriter, and I thought I would do that forever. It seems like a lifetime now that I think about it. But there’s more to stories than breaking news and celebrities nonsense. Here is where I want to write about those people (or stories) that matter to me.

Life in Pictures

“Sometimes I fall in love with a tree, or a street, or the sky, or a body of water. Sometimes I change my plans just to find a cool spot to enjoy the sunset. You can find more on my Instagram, Alta on Planet Earth (alta_explorestheworld)”

Something I Believe In

“I believe that us, as human beings, are brought into the world essentially good. We are here to spread kindness and, if we do no posess the means to actively help people, we should at least have compassion and support those who try to help others.

Step Into My Word

I consider this blog a digital journal. A place where I can speak about what I love, what makes me suffer, what brings me joy. About the things I do, about the thoughts that cross my mind – even the dark ones that I am constantly battle with. Sometimes thoughts float around my mind structured as poems. Sometimes there are unknown characters that haunt me for days that I can only get rid of by putting them on the page. I will sometimes write in Romanian, I will also write in English. It is not my native language, so I am fully aware of my imperfect style, but this is the language I get to use the least and the one I love the most. It is like a melody that perfectly describes the nuances of your soul. The sole purpose of this blog is to have a platform where I can keep track of my journey through this complicated world. Not here for the analytics, or the clicks, or the likes. If you are here, if you have taken the time to browse through these thoughts, welcome and thank you!